
Dialogue with Darwin

Group 30With Payal Nambiar Head - HR, Metro Cash & Carry India

Emerging roles & Expectations

She talks about the talent evolution with new emerging roles & expectations, objectives for organisations when approaching digitalisation today, and so much more!



Hi, Payal welcome to dialogue with Darwin. Thank you so much for joining us today. It's a real pleasure to be here.

Thank you. So, Payal, this is a series where we host leaders from the industry to talk about the evolution that the industry has seen over the years in HR. I would love to know your insight on what one aspect about talent is, where the organization's approach has evolved a lot over the.

Two or three fundamental aspects that you can really narrow down on to say that talent or talent management has evolved more. So, I'm looking at the last decade, since 2008, the recession has really made us think very differently, more sharply focusing on looking at our talent, how we manage them.

And then the whole aspect around digitization. Taking it through automation, evolution of how talent is being groomed, for bigger, broader roles. Being able to understand the aspect that yes, at some point in time, if you're not upskilling them, re-engineering the way jobs are, are really put across, then you have to look at, you know, what next do you want to provide for them?

Because they will come back. Few questions saying that, does this make sense for me? Does this role aligned to what I'm looking for?

So, we are talking about helping talent evolve with the changing roles and expectations is, is one, change that's happened about HR, right? According to you, what do you think is one major objective with which organizations are approaching digitalization today simply from improving efficiency.

So, efficiency in the workplace is a fundamental aspect. And when you're looking at efficiency, you are looking at making people more productive, sharpening their focus around what they are, coming to the table with. And therefore, if you're looking at digital. How you are equipping them with the necessary skills so that they're able to upgrade and be more productive by digitalization.

What do you think is one objective with which, uh, organizations are approaching digitalization? Has it changed from how it was before to now? I mean, when you look at the last five years, there's significant improvement in the way digitalization is being looked at partnering not as HR, but with businesses to try and see how you improve productivity, how you improve efficiency.

And make your workforce a little smarter, more well equipped and therefore upscaling them to tackle newer challenges. I think that's pretty much what digitalization should be focused on. What do you think is one major challenge that organizations might be facing in leveraging the digitalization scope that is there today?

I think for an organization to be able to evolve and really understand what they need. It means that intro inspecting, and it can't just be a core function of early HR, or HR in most organizations as construed as they will manage people. But it must be in partnership in collaboration with business.

And so business needs to understand the focus that by bringing in a platform by bringing in. Tools to try and equip their employees. They're getting in people who are smarter, who are more agile, who feel the need that yes, with this, I'm able to park my time for strategy park, my time for handling bigger challenges.

Thank you for sharing your insights on that pile, now as, as part of the series, we also would love to know how, uh, leaders have evolved personally the industry has evolved a lot.

So, on that note, what do you think is one thing that's changed about you from the day you started your career to now?

And resilience is something that I will say really made me a much better leader than I was in the yes years. So, to know a bit more about you, you thought the best way is to. Do a rapid fire. What is your favorite hangout place at work? It is my room. okay. And I invited a lot of team members there.

Yes. And we do most of our brainstorming. Uh, what is one book that you would suggest any of your team members read? I've read quite a few books, but the world is flat by Thomas Reedman, any resolutions for 2020 pile.

So, I would want to work on empathy

What is one quality in a team member that you admire?

Perseverance, if you must rename the function, HR, people management, what is one advice that you would have for anyone who is stepping into a career in HR? I think it's not just true within HR stepping into the corporate career and must go back to my first answer, which is be more resilient.

Great. Thank you so much, it was a pleasure hosting you. Thank you.

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