expertsTakeblueWith Durga Prasanna Head HR, Aster DM Healthcare

Building capabilities is a strategic lever to growth: Durga Prasanna of Aster DM Healthcare

In this episode of HR Evolution Perspectives 2023: Experts Take, we interact with Durga Prasanna, Head HR, Aster DM Healthcare to decipher the role of HR in driving raising employee experience and ensuring digital transformations are a success


Highlights from our conversation

In the HR Evolution Perspectives 2023: Empower and Evolve study, People Matters and Darwinbox examine key HR and business trends in Asia. This comprehensive report draws insights from more than 1,200 HR practitioners, 350 CXOs, and almost 1,500 employees.

As part of our research efforts, we are engaging with HR leaders from a variety of organisations to understand how overarching people trends influence their HR and business strategies.

For this episode of Experts Take, we talk to Durga Prasanna, Head HR, Aster DM Healthcare. He joins us to share his views on what transforms journeys a success and helps us unpack the critical drivers of EX.

Key highlights from our conversation:

  • Growth is a central driver that HR leaders need to find newer ways to support
  • Skilling and capability building an important ways to build EX
  • Transformation success depends on stakeholder management
  • Agility is no longer an option but a must-have

Transformation to help unlock newer business models

Digital transformation has helped Aster Healthcare expand its ambit of offerings like Aster Labs and Aster Homecare. But before companies venture into digital transformation, they need to address crucial questions of why transformation is necessary, who are the stakeholders that are necessary to make it a success, and what the intended results are.

These questions help break down the objective of the transformation and clarify to all the stakeholders involved the intended process and journey of the transformation. It also aligns the varying expectations and streamlines challenges to help create a buy-in. With the dynamic nature of the work, companies today can create newer growth avenues and unlock success.

'Today successful transformation requires different levels of thinking and bringing together different stakeholders together to achieve success.' notes Durga

The other key component is the process management that goes into executing the transformation journey with success. With the business conditions rapidly evolving transformation is required for HR leaders to contribute to businesses and further support organisational agility.

A multipronged effort to deliver for EX

Healthcare as an industry has been growing by leaps and bounds in the last few years. Durga notes that the industry's CAGR has been around 20%. For an organisation like Aster, meeting expectations is centred around developing capabilities.

'A significant step in developing the right skills has been the Aster Health Academy,' noted Durga adding how its curative and personalised approach helps address the skills and capabilities gap that supports Aster's growth journey.

Addressing the specific needs of the professional and specialised services at Aster like clinicians, supervisors, doctors, nurses etc helps create the necessary buy-in and helps build a shared vision of growth.

The other critical component of EX for Durga is having the right rewards and recognition framework. 'I have to look beyond compensation, to focus on benefits and career growth that the company can provide.' he added. Leaders across India today also have to balance this growing need to address EX with the productivity and growth demands.

Capability development as a strategic lever growth

An important way to look at skill development is to focus on the half-life of current skills. Durga quotes a recent McKinsey report that suggests the half-life of skills is usually 3-5 years, especially in the case of technical skills.

So development today has to be in a manner that prepares for the future. To do this effectively, companies need to proactively look out for skills needed to stay ahead of the competition. This means

For Durga, this focus on skills is also reflected in their talent segmentation. 'At Aster we focus on high, mid, and low performers,' adds Durga,'and then formalise skilling programs that reflect their need and our investments into building their capabilities.'

Technology too for Durga has been a great enabler. While it was prevalent before the covid, the post-pandemic world has seen a growing use of technology to help equip leaders to build the right capabilities.

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