The Enterprise
IT & InfoSec
HCM RFP Template

IT & InfoSec Checklist  | Technical Specs

The creation of an RFP with clear requirements that lay out what your organisation needs is fundamental for selecting the right HRMS.

To help your decision making, we've consulted with the top HCM Security and Compliance analysts and put together this exhaustive requirements list which will ensure that you are not just covered for today but for all your future HR and IT best practices.

This RFP template covers:
  • Data & Security evaluation checklist.
  • A toggle between low, medium and highly critical features based on your organisational complexity and industry and IT Infrastructure needs.
  • An HCM RFP Template covering over 1000+ HR technology features across all modules curated specially for your HR Team.

Get the RFP on Excel

1000+ Highly Critical Functions, Curated Specially for your IT Team

hrms security and compliance

Security & Compliance

hcm infrastructure

Vulnerability Management

cloud infrastructure

Application Infrastructure

code management

Code Management


Application Scalability 

hcm integration

Integration Capabilities

data management

Data Management

hcm reporting

Provisioning & Reports

auditing and logging

Auditing & Logging

Asset 11

Business Continuity Planning

A good RFP can save you time & effort while ensuring you find the best suited solution for your needs