Mainly used for management selection and development purposes. Participants undertake a wide range of tasks and activities designed to assess their suitability for a particular organisation, role or position. The exercises and tests you will come across at an assessment centre in almost all cases fall into the following categories:
Group exercise
In-tray exercise
Role play exercise
Case study based analysis exercise
Psychometric personality questionnaire
Psychometric ability test
Competency based interview
Virtual assessment center is a simulative experience of the assessment center method used for examining candidates for a specific employment opportunity. There is no other difference between the traditional assessment center or virtual assessment center except the fact that the latter is conducted digitally. Virtual assessment centers include information sessions, Q and A sessions, group exercises such as case studies, individual case study exercises, presentations, interviews, etc.
Assessment centers are important in that they help analyze a candidate’s suitability for a specific job role or employment opportunity by testing them based on various factors. It is an effective method to compare various prospective employees based on a similar mode of assessment to select the best fit.
Assessment centers are good for not only the organization but also the candidates as they get an overview of the company’s culture and the job role. So, to prepare understand the requirements and responsibilities of the position as given in the job description. Brush up on your skills. Assessment Centers is a smart way to analyze how you will be performing in a real work situation based on your performance on the examination.
The following are the various methods of assessment centers that organizations around the world use while hiring candidates, for identifying training and development needs and for succession planning:
Some of the major demerits of having an assessment center method include its questionable accuracy, costly logistics, untrained staff and assessors etc.