Behavioural competency is essentially an evaluation of the character traits of an employee. How these competencies are defined can vary by employer, but fundamentally they revolve around people skills, managerial skills and achievement skills. Certain positions work better for certain behavioural competencies, and these particular markers will help determine whether a candidate will be successful at the position he or she is applying for - as you might imagine, a candidate applying for a managerial position should have strong achievement and development-related competencies.
There are broadly 6 behavioural competencies but there can be more of them based on the domain/function in a business:
Behavioral Competency is important for it helps to determine the skills a candidate should have to be a good fit for the organization. It helps the org in planning everything for their workforce from planning their roles and responsibilities to managing their training and development. This is done so as to position employees in a way that they help reach a wider organizational goal.
Behavioural assessment consists of the following:
Recording average behavior is the first step to measure any kind of Behavioral competency. Candidates are observed during stressful and large projects and then compared based on an ideal or standard behavior. Managers record this data to analyze and then take certain actions thereby. There are majorly three kinds of assessments or measurements: :
A behavioural indicator is helpful in indicating certain types of behavioral traits that a candidate or employee possesses.
There are broadly four different types of competencies: