Career Path

Meaning & Definition

Career Path

A career path comprises a group of (typically related) jobs that an individual works on the path toward their career goals. Career paths traditionally imply vertical growth or advancement to higher-level positions, but they can also include lateral (sideways) movement within or across industries..

  1. How can companies create career path?

    Companies can do any of the following to create career paths:

    • Career mapping, that is to map how employee’s career goals can be aligned with the organization and be met.
    • Conventional career ladder strategies, such as timely promotions.
  2. Why do companies have to create career paths?

    Companies should create career paths for their employee to:

    • Support the growth of its employees.
    • Give the employees an opportunity to understand various career paths available in case they would want to switch.
    • Retain their best talent.
    • Attract top achievers from outside the firm.
    • Create an employee-centric work culture.
    • Get a sense of idea what other organizations’ paths look like and compare with its own.
  3. What is the difference between vertical or horizontal career paths?

    An employee can choose to scale up vertically to higher positions in the company or choose to scale horizontally that is expand and venture into other departments or job roles within the same rank or level.

  4. How to best manage and create career paths for employees?

    Organizations can use the HRMS software available at their disposal to make the process of career path streamlined. The best way to create and manage a career path program is with is an all-inclusive software solution helps you manage career paths throughout the employee lifecycle.

  5. Can you change your career path? If yes, how?

    Employees can change their career path by either moving vertically up the positions or horizontally across job roles. They can do so by approaching the organization or their manager.

  6. What are the different types of career paths?

    • Job redesign.
    • Job rotation.
    • Dual career ladders.
    • Horizontal career paths.
    • Accelerated and "dialed down" career paths.
    • Encore career paths.

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